- 404 pages
- 402 pages
- 400 pages
- 403 pages
- 500 pages
A simple collection of error states

Error State - 404
A calm and relaxing 404 empty state after all that web searching…

Error State - 404
I took more of an insane direction thinking that websites aimed at users over the age of 18 would grasp this connection and frustration when landing on a 404. Perhaps Rolling Stone Magazine could use something like this? The guy on the page is “Egashira 2:50”, a famous, crazy comedian. You can watch some of the funny things he does on YouTube. Be warned: don’t drink anything while watching his videos.

Error State - 404
An empty state for those high-visible, high-trafficked websites – a page to listen to chillout music. Every time a user lands on this page, another chill out song will play. This will remind users to “relax” and rest their hearts from intensive viewing on a website.

Error State - 404
Another Egashira 2:50 but a bit more creepy.