- Modals
- Pop Ups
- Popovers
- Overlays
A simple collection of modals, popovers, pop-ups, overlays or whatever the fuck they’re called.

Modals for Mobile devices
I wasn’t targeting a particular device when I designed these. Besides the images, all graphics are mine created in Sketch App. It became a bit repetitive and since I am only supposed to design for one design, I ended up designing 6 mobile modals and 2 for desktop.

Pop Up Modal for Desktop 01
Since I just love Seattle and others who have not visited Seattle always say that the weather is shitty, they must know that the days which do not rain are absolutely beautiful! Here is a design to welcome or convince those to visit Seattle. I added an API to display the current weather in Seattle to make it a bit more personal and informative.

Pop Up Modal for Desktop 02
I simply couldn’t decide on a particular color combination so I chose an Autumn design unlike the one above which is more winter-ish.